Tax Stories

R&S Tax Service Questionnaire Useful Tools Tax Stories Delinquent Tax Returns

Tax Stories

We offer an accurate, dependable tax service to our customers located all across the United States. Our tax service has saved our clients more than $300,000 in 2024. Here are some tax stories that demonstrate our tax service.


TY 2024

In reviewing our clients' partnership 2021-2023 tax returns, we determined a S Corp election would save their business officers a tidy sum in federal taxes. We filed Form 2553 electing S corp status for all three years. We have then prepared amended officer tax returns for 2021-2023 saving thousands in federal tax dollars. The saings results from federal self employment taxes are due when a Form K-1 is received from a S corporation. FOr this client the savings is more than $3000  per tax year.


Sub S Corporation

A Florida S Corp saved $2,800.00 on their medical service corporation.

An ag retailer in South Dakota had us perform similar functions for them and their corporation, savings them $6,700 in federal taxes due to depreciation writeoffs. 



E-filing offers a fast way to get your tax returns filed on time. In 2024 we will be e-filing hundreds of tax returns for our clients. 

Our client's  average tax refund this season has been $9000. Why wait; getting your 2023 taxes done ensures the IRS pays you the tax refund you have earned.


Not sure of tax effects?

 Not sure of tax effects for a pending transaction. Give us your data to analyze. With Proseries software we can project future taxes for anticipated income or expenses. 

Tax Exempt Returns

Filing Form 990 annually is crucial to maintaing your club's tax exemption. We've assisted several nonprofits during 2024 in filing its Form 990 and local Form 199 to meets its annual compliance requirements. More than 20 nonprofit tax returns have been e-filed in 2024 todate. 

If you have a similar type organization that needs a federal/state tax exemption or need to file federal Form 990, please contact us.

Not filed yet?

This year we helped a number of new clients in answering more than 400 Yelp requests.  From these answered requests, we've completed federal and state tax returns for these clients in 13 different states.

We require: 

  • organized, accurate records
  • substantiation of tax deductible expenses
  • dedication to get the job done