R&S Tax Service

R&S Tax Service Questionnaire Useful Tools Tax Stories Delinquent Tax Returns

Doing business as R & S Tax Service Inc, we are a bonded tax service, licensed as a tax preparer with the Internal Revenue Service, and the State of California (A-135806) as a California tax professional. Further we are a licensed public accountant, licensed through the National Society of Accountants, being a national director. With over 40 years of experience, we can resolve most tax issues, and have a stellar record of 67-0 in resolving IRS tax protests and appeals.

Our clients have placed a 5 star rating at Yelp for business with rave reviews after saving our clients thousands of tax dollars. https://biz.yelp.com/home/0vApXfRdGb9JbiXQkVQ7BQ/    See what our clients are saying in these reviews.





Tax Professional Expertise

  • We have extensive training for 2025 plus expertise to ensure your taxes are e-filed correctly. With training in Ethics for CPA and tax professionals, federal and state tax law, tax strategies, and Sub-S corporation tax law, Health mandates, and Quick Books Essentials, we are duly trained tax professionals. We offer a standard of excellence being a licensed credentialed public accountant and strive for superior results.
  • With 4 decades of tax experience, from multi national corporations to personal taxes, you can depend on us to minimize your taxes.
  • We are tax professionals providing guidance and advice tailored, to your occupation or tax situation, to help you maximize your tax refund. 

Support and Service

  • If you receive a letter from the IRS or state, as tax professionals we’ll help you no matter how your taxes were done. 
  • Owe taxes? We’ll audit past filed tax returns looking for errors and omissions. 
  • We’ll also help you set up a convenient payment plan so you can become debt free.
  • Don't be fooled by Spam from hackers who try to use our previous emails from Juno.com. We've reported them to police and the Federal Trade Commission as financial crimes.

Flexibility and Convenience

  • Our virtual office is open year-round.With the corona virus, this is vital in getting yourt taxes done on-line. Virtual clients are using Google Drive and Drop Box to easily transmit their documents for review and completion of their tax returns.  Our email remains secure so we suggest placing your docs in an Adobe PDF.
  • E-filing provides efficient processing of your tax returns that speeds past paper filings that has caused the IRS to get bogged down.

Additional Services

  • For professional accounting systems, we are licencsed Public Accountants offering quarterly reviews of your systems to help meet tax compliance rules and regulations with the IRS. 
  • We offer 20 years of comprehensive accounting expertise with Quick Books Online, an electronic accounting system that may be best for you and your business. QBO is the nation's most commonly used accounting system todate.

Listing of Internet based resources:

Internal Revenue Service http://www.irs.gov;

CA Franchise Tax Board http://www.ftb.ca.gov

Tax Education Council http://www.ctec.org


 Our expertise can provide you the following types of service: 

  • E-filing of electronically prepared federal and state tax returns, starting at $300.00 that can be paid via Quick Books.  Once payment is receive we promptly e-file your tax returns.
  • Filing part year and nonresident tax returns.  Resolving delinquent multiple year tax returns.  
  • Filing business, corporate, or tax exempt returns which include the new electronic Form 990-N, ranging from $300-$1200. 
  • Want to stay up to date on our tax news; just ask us for a copy of our quarterly newsletter that we mail out to our customers. It's in a PDF format for easy viewing. 


  • Gather and organize all of your tax-related documents needed to prepare and file your income tax return(s). Use our questionnaire page to get organized! We also have a fillable Tax Organizer that is easy to use.
  • Arrange an appointment at your convenience to get your taxes done. Our thorough tax interview involves a series of questions using Proseries software to gather all the information needed to complete and file accurate tax return(s).

Contact Information:

R&S Tax Service Inc

113 Econome Ct.

Folsom CA 95630

Tel. 916-983-6415 

Email: Rogerlubiens@gmail.com


Updated:  March 15, 2025